
Oh boy, a mad scientist has split the world's color spectrum into several dimensions! Thankfully life is safe and you're alive, but not for long. You now have the unique ability to navigate between the dimensions, but you don't have long before you become unstable and get torn apart along with all life in the universe. Use your ability to infiltrate the lair of the menace who did this and find out how to reverse the process before it's too late.

How To Play

Left and Right: Move

A (or Z): Jump / Interact

Up and Down: Shift Dimensions (Red is the lowest dimension, and yellow is the highest).

IMPORTANT NOTE: There are three "rooms", and each "room" has 3 dimensions. The first room comes with all three dimensions unlocked, but for the other two rooms you can teleport between the dimensions of the room ONLY AFTER you have visited the room in that dimension. So if you enter room 1 in the red dimension, you cannot teleport to room 1's orange dimension because you haven't discovered it yet. This feature may or may not last in future iterations. As the game gets bigger, and the puzzles less linear, it might not make sense to keep that limitation.


I chose to go with the invisible influence theme. My idea started as splitting a platformer level into different colors, each color is a different part of the same room. Although I didn't quite have the time to do much with the game spatially, or take advantage of the platformer mechanics, I mostly demonstrated the kind of puzzles the player might encounter in this kind of game.


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